Product Development and International Pilot (ProPil)
- EIT Climate-KIC, Pathfinder -
The Virtual Power Plant Program (VPPP) is an existing energy efficiency company merit scheme and a motivational and award system in Hungary, operating since 2011. It collects the invisible energy efficiency investment driven energy savings from companies and visualizes the collected savings to the broad public in the form of a Virtual Power Plant, which is built from blocks of invisible energy savings.
The Program closely links a non-profit scheme and motivational system with for-profit activities and market network building, allows entry for stakeholders at several levels, uses social innovation and gamification methods and has scaled up from 0 to becoming the 4th largest power plant in Hungary in 9 years, also selected by the EU Commission among the top 3 energy efficiency programs in Europe. The Program is planned to be rolled out to European countries.
The launch of VPPP in Romania starts with the ProPil project in March 2019 in close partnership and cooperation with the Timis Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture. The project is planned to close by the end of 2019. The project is co-funded by EIT Climate-KIC.
Project TITLE
ProPil - Virtual Power Plant Programme / Product Development and International Pilot (190370)
Hungarian Innovation and Efficiency Nonprofit Plc. and Timis Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (CCIAT)
March 2019 - December 2019
CO-Financed by
EIT Climate-KIC
ProPil consists of 4 Work Packages. During the first month a market analysis is to be conducted in order to evaluate the attitude and needs of the local entities. Based on the results, the Hungarian scheme should be tailored to the County of Timis context, scope and scale. Local experts should take on the role of auditors, controlling and validating application contents. An Advisory Board should be set up to operate the program.
When the processes and the operating staff is ready for local launch, the first local application procedure should start. As part of the pilot project, an awarding ceremony is expected to be organized by the end of 2019.
In the last Work Package of the project, an event will be organized for the local stakeholders to disseminate good practices, attract more members and achieve better results together.
Project results are planned to establish a solid basis for international roll-out in the form of EIT Scaler or Demonstrator project.
1. Market analysis
1.a. Market analysis plan
1.b. Market analysis
1.c. Selection and agreement on potential pilot launch partners
1.d. Market analysis outcome
2. Product development and adaptation
2.a. Detailed product development and adaptation plan
2.b. Product and launch approach design
2.c. Product drafting
2.d. Consultation, assessment and feedback by VPPP Advisory Board
2.e. Consultation, assessment and feedback with CCIAT
2.f. Product finalization for pilot launch
3. Localization and pilot launch
3.a. Assessment of location assets and potentials
3.b. Draft localization and pilot launch action plan for discussion
3.c. Final localization and pilot launch action plan
3.d. Implementation of localization
3.e. Pilot launch
4. Awareness raising and educational event, reporting
4.a. Collecting local good practices on energy efficiency
4.b. Compiling training material for the event based on VPPP and local good practices
4.c. Organizing awareness raising and educational event at the pilot host organization
4.d. Pilot Summary Report drafting
12 March 2019 - ProPil Kick-off meeting, market analysis plan
Venue of the meeting: 300030 Timisoara, Romania, Piata Victoriei nr.3
CCIAT: Cristina Badulescu, Octavian Culda,
MI6: Enikő Jádi, Balázs Mezősi, Zoltán Oletics, László Gaál
29th May 2019 - product development consultation
Venue of the meeting: 300030 Timisoara, Romania, Piata Victoriei nr.3
CCIAT: Cristina Badulescu, Munteanu Nicoleta, Vasile Marian Constantin, Octavian Culda,
MI6: Enikő Jádi, Balázs Mezősi, Zoltán Oletics, László Gaál
19TH july 2019 - PRoduct development assesment
Venue of the meeting: 300030 Timisoara, Romania, Piata Victoriei nr.3
CCIAT: Cristina Badulescu, Munteanu Nicoleta, Vasile Marian Constantin,
MI6: Enikő Jádi, Balázs Mezősi, Zoltán Oletics,
11th October 2019 - pilot launch
Venue of the meeting: 300030 Timisoara, Romania, Piata Victoriei nr.3
CCIAT: Cristina Badulescu, Octavian Culda,
Advisory Board: Chis Catalin, Daniel-Cristian Craciun, Marian Mocan, Vasile Marian Constantin, Molnar Ovidiu Lucian, Zoltán Oletics
MI6: Enikő Jádi, Balázs Mezősi
25TH october 2019 - Timis Virtual power plant program award gala